Rabu, 09 Januari 2013


  Salut! It's 2013 already and I'm in love with the weather lately!
   Hujan,mendung,gerimis... Entah kenapa luapan emosi alam tersebut sangat membuat gua nyaman. Walaupun tiap hari berangkat-pulang sekolah naik motor, tapi entah kenapa riding motorcycle in the pouring rain itu asik banget, y'all must try it haha
   Gaenaknya sih paling pas di sekolah dan tepat di bawah ac, itu dingin kuadrat til my hands look pale dan I always wanna pee :S
   I don't know, this weather really makes me comfortable. I like cold weather, rain.. Not just because they brought the memories, but they always can make my heart peaceful.
   But for every action also there's reaction, mudah-mudahan hujan yang terus kaya gini gak berlangsung lama ya:-)

Dear rain, thanks for understand my feeling even though I don't say much to you,
Thanks for gimme a cold sense, which is really making me sedate.

Thanks Allah, for lower rain for us. But don't make it a disaster because it lowers too much.

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